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Monday, October 22, 2007

Sign of the cross

The sign of the cross is a very traditional sign that is used. It first started out as a cross that you make with your hands on your forehead. Today, it is made from the top of your head, to your chest, and than shoulder to shoulder. When doing the sign of the cross you say, " Father, Son, Holy Spirt, Amen". Father is the first person of the trinity. The Son is the second person. The Holy Spirit is the third person. You do not have to make the sign of the cross, it is not said in the Bible that you have to. Today though, most people use it when they pray and when at church.

Patterns of Religion page 520


Martin R said...

forehead and chest

Lauren said...

I like the use of pictures on this post and I also thought you did a very good job of explaining it.

claire said...

Do the "father son..etc" have to be in that order? If so is there a reasoning behind it?

Shannon said...

I wonder that as well, why they were put in that order, and if they have a meaning in relation to where your hands are.